Although you may have the talent and basic know how on the line of business you want to and are engaged in, getting additional knowledge would truly be helpful. The more knowledge you have the better. You should not stop arming yourself with more weapons to unleash for the operations and the improvement of your business.
I have a friend whose family had been into hog and chicken raising and farming for three generations now. He somehow knew how their business ran already. But he was sent to a workshop by his family specifically to learn more about their trade. When asked why he needed to go, he said this is important so that they would be updated with the latest best practices and the latest technology. This will help them remain competitive and even gain competitive advantage to their competitors.
I also know someone who loves photography. And as business minded that he is, he decided to make his hobby a living. But before he embarked into the business, he attended the best workshops around the country and tried to learn everything he could first. Although he knew that he could take great pictures, he found it necessarily to enrich his talent and knowledge so that he could offer better photography services to his clients. He even decided to learn the latest digital multimedia technology.
If you have got the talent and know how, that’s great. But you should not stop there. From the start try taking a step further by learning more about your business. And even when or if you are already established you should upgrade your business and yourself from time to time to maintain competitiveness in the market.
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