Monday, October 8, 2007

Starting Up a Business

Aside from seeking employment you can also opt to start your own business. But doing so isn’t at all that easy. The first question you have to ask yourself is what line of business you would like to get involved in. Then you have to ask yourself, does it have a demand? Where is the ideal location for your business? And last but certainly one of the hardest questions is, do you have enough capital for the said business?

These are all just general questions though. You should be as detailed as possible in planning for your business. It would be ideal to write up a business plan to get everything on paper because the longer your business operates, the more that things can become more complicated. It is best that you don’t lose sight of your goals and your policies as well.

So what line of business do you want to be involved in? It should be something you’re interested in or something you are passionate about. Doing business can be demanding to you financially, physically and emotionally. But if you like and enjoy what you are doing your burden would be lighter. It would also be good if you have a vast knowledge about the product or the service that you want to provide. There’s not a better asset than personal knowledge. It is difficult if you are very dependent on other people for your business to run. Like for example if you have a bakery, what happens when your baker suddenly resigns and bulks out? Your operations would have to abruptly stop if that happens. Even if you find another baker, the quality of your bread and your other products will not be maintained.

Now let’s say that you want to put up a high end boutique but about 90% of the population belongs to the middle class. That wouldn’t be appropriate. You should choose something which your potential customers need. Maybe a convenience store would be a good idea. Basic commodities are certainly something your neighborhood would make use of everyday. And these are the things that are certainly included in their shopping lists.

Where should you position your store? It should be somewhere near your targeted market. You should always be nearer to your customer than your competitor so you will be there when your customers need the products or the services you provide. Notice how pharmacies are situated new hospitals or how McDonalds is located almost in every other corner. If you are wondering why that is so, that is the reason for that.

Now, do you have enough capital for the business? Starting up a new business can cost so much. That is why you should always consider something less expensive if you have limited capital. You can also find out about the financing available to you. You should make that loan plus your personal funds enough for your start up expenses and your operating expenses for the first few months.

After these first general questions are answered, you are off to making your detailed business plan. And then comes the implementation. Remember that no plan, no matter how detailed and how well written it is, is enough for you to succeed. Proper implementation of these plans during operations is also vital. Hopefully, your customers will like your ideas and offerings. With a little luck, your business will be off to a good start and it will pick up very soon so you will realize success.

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